Unpublished posts
These posts are public but don't have a `publishDate`. Consiquently, they won't show up in a feed.
- 2023 Next.js
- React Conf Q&A
- 2024 Tech
- $700
- A Beginners Guide to Storybook 7 with React
- a horse and a horn
- a single understandable rule
- a stranger you
- Abundance is my birthright
- Abundantly
- action faking
- Add JSON-LD to Astro Blog Posts
- adopting a persona
- AI prompts
- Alleviate pain
- am i drinking enough alcohol
- amplify effort
- an acceptable compliment
- … and i love you
- Art vs. Craft
- assume intellegence
- Astro Content Collection References
- Atem Mini Pro ISO — real-time impressions
- Atomic Habits Notes
- AuthKit with Astro
- AuthKit in Any JS Framework
- Become who you are
- Best food in Los Angeles
- Best food in Maui
- Best food in San Diego and North County
- Bio
- On Bitrate
- black mirror
- Boggle
- brave but not boald
- by the numbers
- capture node as screenshot in chrome
- Career Day
- celebrate truth (as a parent)
- Change
- Christmas
- Chromatic Accomplishments
- Clipboard API
- Colocate modules with pages
- consentric content
- contingent
- coorporite orbit
- Coworking
- Create dev.to posts via API
- Create DOM fragments
- Create an epub Book from Markdown Files
- Create remark plugin
- Create a Tweet, er… X, Share Link
- Create Workspace Snippets in VS Code
- cruel
- Customize TailwindCSS Typography
- dad, do you like your life?
- Dark
- DaVinci Resolve (notes)
- How to Debug Server Objects in Astro
- decade
- decide
- deconstructive
- Delete by Default
- DevTools (WIP)
- Do it angry
- Storybook gotchas
- Doc block utilities
- dont go to the light
- Don't injest what you cant digest
- dotfiles
- Drawing
- Eat shit
- Edit video
- eighth day
- eliminate effort
- Embed YouTube videos responsively
- And just… enjoy it
- Enter PDT
- escape gaming
- Excellence is viral
- exception driven design
- Expensive
- Expert, like feinman
- Expressive Code
- extract dont abstract
- extraction artist
- faithful
- Family Routines
- family
- fight then unite
- Fix prebuild and postbuild scripts in pnpm
- The Flamingo
- Fly.io
- Footnote
- for love
- The "for me" is implied
- French Cleats
- Friday
- from here to there
- A Blazingly Fast zsh Git Alias
- Generational curses
- Get Started with Storybook
- Git Aliases
- GitHub Copilot
- glass twice full
- good grind
- half-shit brownie
- Harvard Sentences
- Using the hashchange event
- Have I settled for a lesser villain?
- he trusts us
- head down eyes up
- healing
- healthy or productive
- Heroes and villians
- Hidden fragments
- Hollywood
- hook
- hope
- hopeful skeptic
- How do you know when you're done?
- How much do you want to be an adult?
- How to ask a question
- How to Embed YouTube Shorts
- Hug the cactus
- I commute between planets
- im good at conversations not relationships
- im grateful to be alive
- Immortal
- Impersonator, not Imposter
- Import Markdown as Content Astro Component
- instability as a part time creator
- intention over convenience
- Intentional failure
- Intersection Observer
- Astro research intro
- Input, Output, Outcome
- its not javascript but its all javascript
- Dick Joke Likelihood
- React JSX
- Karabiner Elements
- a chantastic guide to karabiner-elements
- Lean back
- Leave PDT
- You are a liability
- Couple questions
- lifestyle vs quality of life
- lifted
- Like cutting off an arm
- Load Scripts in Astro Files
- logical
- Mac Audio in OBS
- Mac Settings
- macOS
- Maintain
- Make
- Manage
- manifesto
- Create Markdown "Components" with Remark Containers
- markdown
- Market
- maximize throughput by minimizing input
- MDX docs
- Meander
- Microphones
- midjourney
- Miss
- Monday
- Monthly reset
- more good days
- Mourn your misses
- mule
- Muscleup
- naming agents
- necessary heresy
- neovim
- New naustalgia
- Newsletter
- Not every exception is a failure
- What I'm doing now
- on emceeing
- on making a thumbnail
- on ramps and off ramps
- one song
- out and in
- Pandoc
- Chan Parking
- A Part-Time Creator Manifesto
- part time human
- Pass or Shoot
- pen date
- Perceptual antithesis
- Perfect Conference Video Layout
- Phoenix
- plug-and-play auth
- All the microphones I've recorded with
- pogs
- polarity
- POS: Personal Operating System
- Prefer props to params
- preference and principle
- pressure to pleasure
- Prettier
- Publish YouTube Shorts
- put on a show
- Range
- Raw JavaScript vs JSX
- React Context
- React 19: The Big Picture
- 115: Eli White on Principles and React Native
- 116: Marcy Sutton
- 119: Henry Zhu on Building Babel
- React Suspense notes
- Recipe schema
- Short video
- Record YouTube video
- Redding road trip
- My life as a reducer function
- Why I prefer reference style links
- relatable
- Create Markdown "Components" with Remark Directives
- Using obsidian as a Astro frontend
- Reserved Words
- reset
- Rest parameter dynamic routes
- Michael Chan (WIP)
- Rock vs Fence
- Rules for Content
- SavvyCal
- say what they feel
- Scroll snippet
- Search Astro Site with Pagefind
- Seeing is becoming
- Select DOM contents programatically
- Shame
- shitless
- Show More component
- Shure MV7 Review (WIP)
- smile and die
- The missing devolpment workflow: Snapshot-driven development
- Borrowed
- Sous Vide
- Spent
- SQL Stuff (WIP)
- start with how
- Start with published
- Stop naming CSS
- Build your own Storybook in Astro, using CSF
- Doc blocks for component documentation
- Stream
- How to style raw markdown in Astro
- success doesnt make sales calls
- Sunday
- Systems are secondary
- tactic vs intention
- Tape doesn't lie
- teach to learn
- Teachable: Sales Page Challenge Notes
- Test Component Interactions in Storybook
- The Art of the Good Life: 52 Surprising Shortcuts to Happiness, Wealth, and Success
- the benefits of grids for skeleton states
- the dilution of pity
- the first meaningful mistake
- the language of programming
- The only way out is thru but that doesn't keep us from trying
- The problem with every Stack View
- The Visual Regression Testing Service I want
- The weight of good will
- theres genius in every room
- hourglass
- This is a square
- three dimensional thinking
- Through line
- Thursday
- Ron Swanson, presenting Tom Haverford
- Triangulate personality
- trust
- Tuesday
- TypeScript Lookup Types
- Understanding regex (for beginners)
- URLs
- Uses
- vestes virum reddet
- vibes over views
- Welcome VS Code stream friends!
- VS Code Settings for Screencasting
- VS Code url schema
- VS Code
- We threw the first stone
- Wednesday
- what does what you want to do want to do
- What isn't working?
- Whats in my Raycast
- Who are we not?
- who would you tell to fuck themselves
- whos on your mt rushmore
- wip git course
- working with yarn versions
- Securely Implement OAuth 2.0 for Public Clients with PKCE
- I'm a writer
- Building a YouTube to SRT Converter
- Yellow
- You can be good or you can be early
- you find what you look for
- your job is killing your career
- you're in every photo you take