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🌱 This post is in the growth phase. It may still be useful as it grows up.

(A reflection on healing)

How can we be unwilling to accept this challenge when he so clearly set us up for success.
When he so obviously gave us a safe place to land.
Even worse, so much better than it could have been.

Hasn’t he equipped us well for this?
Hasn’t he given us faith to see his provision?
Hasn’t he surrounded us with people to share the burdon with?
Doesn’t he care for Ruby more than we can?
Can’t he heal her in any way he pleases?
Doesn’t he know what he’s designed her for?
What do we know to say what is best?
Isn’t she his daughter, and he her father?

He heals how he chooses.
He restores how he wills.

He will be glorified.
I will be along-for-the-ride.