How to ask a question
🌱 This post is in the growth phase. It may still be useful as it grows up.
- Address your audience and illustrate intent:
- “Hey (implied), I’d like to know you’re thoughts on (subject)…”
- Lead with context:
- “You have a PhD in human movement; how do you feel about breakdance in the olympics?”
- Pause between context and question
- “You have been vocally oposed to React. Do you really believe that we are better off without React? Or is this more of a stunt?”
- If you have a follow-up (and you’re not setting a trap), include it in the question
- “You beat your personal record. Do you plan to beat it again? If so, how will your training regimine evolve to accomplish that goal?
A specific question, that is off-base/incorrect/on in the wrong direction, is better than an open-ended question.
Never apologize for a question based in misunderstanding. Appreciate (and express gratitude) for the correction. This will build trust and give them an increasing amount of space to correct you. This is good for everyone. (Additionally, apologies are a momentum killer. Nobody want’s to go backward. Role your mistake into a clarifying question. “wow, so that has me re-thinking everything. how does this apply then to (previous line of questioning or things you hadn’t thought were in line)”)
Types of questions:
- Highlights: what was the best part of (experience)
- Review: knowing what you know now, would you do (effort) differently?