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DevTools (WIP)

🌱 This post is in the growth phase. It may still be useful as it grows up.

Have you been punched in the face for asking a question?

I have
I asked “can I customize my DevTools?” and Chrome’s documentation reached out from one my Mac’s free USB A hubs to clock me in the jaw

Google, you’re smart — WE GET IT
Maybe I’ll be smart some day and care more about accuracy than being helpful
But TODAY, I don’t know shit and I just want someone to show me exactly how to do a thing.

If you want the same,
Here are the bloodied notes I took while getting pummeled by the Extending DevTools documentation


Create an empty manifest.json wherever you’d like to build your extension

Navigate to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome

Enable Developer mode

Click the (now visible) Load unpacked button

Select the folder containing your manifest.json in the file picker

This will fail
You’ll get four errors
Fix them in order

Manifest is not valid JSON. Line: 1, column: 1, Unexpected token.

  • Add curly braces to manifest.json and make it valid
  • Hit Retry in Chrome

The 'manifest_version' key must be present and set to 2 (without quotes). See for details.

  • Do precisely what it says ("manifest_version": 2)
  • Hit Retry in Chrome

Required value 'name' is missing or invalid.

  • Add a name field calling it whatever you want ("name": "Clever Extension Name")
  • You can rename it whenever
  • Hit Retry in Chrome

Required value 'version' is missing or invalid. It must be between 1-4 dot-separated integers each between 0 and 65536.

  • Add version according to the spec. I start with "version": "0.0.1"
  • Hit Retry in Chrome

You should now see your extension loaded

What does your manifest.json look like?
Mine looks like this:

"name": "Clever Extension Name",
"manifest_version": 2,
"version": "0.0.1"

Why did you make me see all the errors?

Because you’re gonna have to get used depending on this page for errors
It’s the only place you’re likely to see them as you develop

Create a DevTools page

Every DevTools extension needs a “DevTools page”

Defining one takes three steps

Add a devtools_page definition

Add a devtools_page field to your manifest.json, pointing to an html file ("devtools_page": "devtools.html")

Create that devtools.html file

Create devtools.html in your project root with a standard html5 definition

Add a script tag that sources devtools.js

Create that devtools.js file

Create devtools.html to your project root

In that file, throw an error — any error will do

Catch the error

Open DevTools

If you did everything right,
You’ll see an Errors button appear in the Chrome extension manager.

You’ve defined a DevTools page


Visibility into my DevTools extension is SO bad that I have to throw an error to ensure that it’s working??

Why — and I can’t stress this enough — the fuck do I need to create an html file to load a javascript file?
This field should 100% allow a JS file — background pages do.

Oh shit, and background pages…
Fuck background pages

To the uninitiated, it can sound a helluvah lot like “devtools page” and “background page” are the same thing
They ARE NOT and it’s confusing as hell

I WILL NOT talk about the “background page” in this tutorial just to avoid confusion

On naming your DevTools page

I started with main.html and main.js
But changed them to devtools.html and devtools.js
So much of the documentation I encountered referred to these files as such


What do your files look like? Here are mine:


"name": "Clever Extension Name",
"manifest_version": 2,
"version": "0.0.1",
"devtools_page": "devtools.html"


<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src="devtools.js"></script>


throw 'Hey! Looks like things are hooked up right.'

Create an Elements sidebar pane

Neither of us has our big person trunks yet
So, we ain’t diving into the deep end of making our own DevTools panel

We’ll start with an Elements sidebar pane


DevTools panel:
A top-level tab like Inspector, Console, Network, etc.

Elements sidebar pane:
A tab nested inside the Elements panel like Style, Event Listeners, Properties, etc.

Add a sidebar to the Elements panel

Update devtools.js to create a new Elements sidebar:

chrome.devtools.panels.elements.createSidebarPane('My pane')

This creates a sidebar pane with the title you provide
(You can create more than one)

Reload DevTools

Close and Open DevTools (CMD + OPT + i in macOS)
They don’t automatically reload on filesystem changes

Checkout your new My Pane tab in the far right of the Elements panel

You made an empty Elements sidebar pane!

Add a view to your Elements sidebar pane

First, a rant…


Chrome and Firefox have completely different interfaces for their async APIs

Search for devtools.panels.elements.createSidebarPane and you could find docs using Chrome’s callbacks or “standardized” promises


Real world extension I’ve found use webextension-polyfill to let you use Promises most places

But — LOL again — this is all a big joke
Because Chrome dominates the market, they answer to nobody
So other browsers — that implement the promise-based APIs — not only implement callback versions for chrome compatibility THEY IMPLEMENT THE chrome global as well!!!

It’s hystarically bad

Anyway, you just need to know how fucked it is so you don’t get frustrated

I’ll stick with the chrome callback style APIs because that’s what I learned
Use webextension-polyfill if you must have promises, prefer reading the MDN docs, or feel righteous indignation over Chrome being a bully

Set pane content with an object

Provide a callback function to createSidebarPane

Send the message setObject with a random object

'My pane',
(pane) => {
pane.setObject({hey: 'there!'})

Restart DevTools
Open your pane
See the object you added

Set pane content with an expression

You can set pane content with an expression
This isn’t where we’re headed in this doc
However, this post is the best I found on the topic

Set pane content with html page

This is where we’re gonna live for a bit

chrome.devtools.panels.elements.createSidebarPane("My pane", (pane) => {
pane.setObject({ hey: "there!" })

Now make that html file
Mine looks like this:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script id="root">
Hey mom 👋

(You sly devil. I see you seeing me getting ready to put React in this thing)

Restart DevTools
Open your pane
See the new page

Nice work, nerd!

Coming later…

Follow my ass on twitter:



(content scripts)

(why the fuck doesn’t console log work?)

(add styles)

(add light/dark-mode theming)

(add React)

(update the badge)

(use tabs to scope updates)

(update the DOM)