/ posts

Scroll snippet

🌱 This post is in the growth phase. It may still be useful as it grows up.

I have this snippet stored in Chrome DevTools. I use it to capture videos of blogposts and docs.
A lot of it was written by an LLM (Claude).
So, if there’s missing (clear) attribution, let me know.

const EasingFunctions = {
// Standard CSS easing functions
linear: t => t,
ease: t => cubicBezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0)(t),
easeIn: t => cubicBezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0)(t),
easeOut: t => cubicBezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0)(t),
easeInOut: t => cubicBezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0)(t),
// Quad
easeInQuad: t => t * t,
easeOutQuad: t => t * (2 - t),
// Cubic
easeInCubic: t => t * t * t,
easeOutCubic: t => (--t) * t * t + 1,
easeInOutCubic: t => t < 0.5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1,
// Quart
easeInQuart: t => t * t * t * t,
easeOutQuart: t => 1 - (--t) * t * t * t,
easeInOutQuart: t => t < 0.5 ? 8 * t * t * t * t : 1 - 8 * (--t) * t * t * t,
// Quint
easeInQuint: t => t * t * t * t * t,
easeOutQuint: t => 1 + (--t) * t * t * t * t,
easeInOutQuint: t => t < 0.5 ? 16 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 + 16 * (--t) * t * t * t * t,
// Sine
easeInSine: t => 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI / 2),
easeOutSine: t => Math.sin(t * Math.PI / 2),
easeInOutSine: t => -(Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1) / 2,
// Exponential
easeInExpo: t => t === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10),
easeOutExpo: t => t === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t),
easeInOutExpo: t => t === 0 ? 0 : t === 1 ? 1 : t < 0.5 ?
Math.pow(2, 20 * t - 10) / 2 : (2 - Math.pow(2, -20 * t + 10)) / 2,
// Circular
easeInCirc: t => 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t),
easeOutCirc: t => Math.sqrt(1 - (--t) * t),
easeInOutCirc: t => t < 0.5 ?
(1 - Math.sqrt(1 - 4 * t * t)) / 2 : (Math.sqrt(1 - 4 * (t - 1) * t) + 1) / 2
// Helper function for cubic-bezier
function cubicBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return t => {
if (t === 0 || t === 1) return t;
const cx = 3 * x1;
const bx = 3 * (x2 - x1) - cx;
const ax = 1 - cx - bx;
const cy = 3 * y1;
const by = 3 * (y2 - y1) - cy;
const ay = 1 - cy - by;
const sampleCurveX = t => ((ax * t + bx) * t + cx) * t;
const sampleCurveY = t => ((ay * t + by) * t + cy) * t;
const sampleCurveDerivativeX = t => (3 * ax * t + 2 * bx) * t + cx;
let x = t;
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
const currentX = sampleCurveX(x) - t;
if (Math.abs(currentX) < 1e-7) break;
const derivative = sampleCurveDerivativeX(x);
if (Math.abs(derivative) < 1e-7) break;
x -= currentX / derivative;
return sampleCurveY(x);
function getScrollPosition(target) {
if (typeof target === 'number') {
return target;
if (typeof target === 'string') {
const element = document.querySelector(target);
if (!element) {
console.warn(`Element with selector "${target}" not found`);
return 0;
return element.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
if (target instanceof Element) {
return target.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
console.warn('Invalid target specified');
return 0;
function scrollToPosition({
target = 0,
offset = 0,
duration = 0,
easingFunction = EasingFunctions.linear,
onComplete = () => {}
} = {}) {
const targetPosition = getScrollPosition(target) - offset;
const startingY = window.pageYOffset;
const diff = targetPosition - startingY;
let start = null;
let animationFrame;
function step(timestamp) {
if (!start) start = timestamp;
const time = timestamp - start;
const percent = Math.min(time / duration, 1);
const eased = easingFunction(percent);
top: startingY + diff * eased,
behavior: 'auto' // Prevent conflict with smooth scrolling
if (time < duration) {
animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(step);
} else {
// If duration is 0, immediately scroll to position
if (duration === 0) {
top: targetPosition,
behavior: 'auto'
return () => {};
animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(step);
return function cleanup() {
if (animationFrame) {
// Usage examples:
// 1. Scroll to specific position
target: 500,
duration: 500,
easingFunction: EasingFunctions.ease
// 2. Scroll to element by selector
// scrollToPosition({
// // target: '#my-element',
// target: document.querySelectorAll('h2')[10],
// offset: 20, // Add 20px offset from the top
// duration: 800,
// easingFunction: EasingFunctions.easeInOutQuad,
// onComplete: () => console.log('Scrolled to element!')
// });
// 3. Scroll to element reference
// const element = document.querySelector('.some-element');
// scrollToPosition({
// target: element,
// duration: 1000,
// easingFunction: EasingFunctions.easeInOutCubic
// });