Welcome VS Code stream friends!
🌱 This post is in the growth phase. It may still be useful as it grows up.
This is a work in progress. Today it’s just notes for our stream.
Learn Vim with me on YouTube
Check out this playlist where we go thru every key on the keyboard and says what it does in Vim.
TextMate as first serious editor
It went defunkt. Other editors had TextMate key-bindings but it made the docs experience bad and was incomplete
So, I learned Vim as a universal keybindings
I’ve since used Sublime Text 2 (cross-platform), Vim (both GUI and terminal, local and remote), Emacs (with evil mode), Atom, WebStorm, VS Code, and a bunch of online editors.
Vim is a way too communicate intention to the editor.
- Using a mouse you’re just selecting points. From here to here, do this.
- With vim you can say
- “change the text inside these quotes”
- “remove this tag”
- “go to the top or bottom of the file”
- “replace all occurances of this word where the case matches”
- “move the current line to the middle of the screen”
- I’m not a Vim expert. I’ve just picked up a few helpful tricks over the years.
Personal preference
- Now, a lot of people like to customize their vim config, I’m not that guy
- The value for me is that un-customized Vim is a transferrable skill between editors
- MOST of my text manipulation is done with Vim — and the things i don’t do I know how to do.
Sneek peak
If you walk away with ONE THING. let it be ci and ca
- ci” - change inside double-quotes
- ca” - change around double-quotes
- p - place cut below
- P - place cut above
- cit - change inside tag
- cat - change aronud tag
like shift (use arrow keys)
can’t start in middle of word. have to start at the beginning
visual select with surround S
u (cover this because i use it a lot)
upgrade d, c, s
- w
- e
va” (from ” to {} in React)
cs”` (vim surround)
- (ys)?
- ?? cs”{`
- cs”{ then ysi{`
- (t) (f)??
- fewer keypresses
- removes step from what you would do with a mouse
- ci”
- ct.
- cT”
- cit / cat
- (you can do the same with d)
- dd
- C
- S
- (every delete is a cut, which is nice)
- o O
- ^ 0 $
- (% not working)
- { / } ( for stepping thru big blocks of code)
- ( / ) (includes first line)
- G
- gg
- #g
- gf
- ZZ
- ZQ
- ZZ
- z and g are overloaded
- ^d / ^u (half pages)
- ^f / ^b (whole pages)
- zz / zt / zb
- H / M / L
- (next line with at first character)
- (prev line with at first character)
- preferring cmd-shift [] to vims way
MISC (most useful in markdown if not using prettier)
- <<
- >>
- ^I / ^O
- ^V (visual block)
- R (ascii, certain css values like colors)
- ^R (redo)
- I
- O
- A
- /
- n
- N
- ?
- /
/some-term/replacement-term/g -
(using range)
great stuff here: https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Search_and_replace
Things I prefer VS Code for
- TAGS plugin vs (cst<)