Navigate Storybook Sidebar

To do anything in Storybook, we need to understand the Storybook sidebar. It’s is the navigation center of Storybook — where you select which story appears in the canvas.

Let’s start with the iconography.

First, expand all of the stories with this disclosure toggle. You’ll see:

[collapse each as shown]

  • Docs [show both root level and component]
  • Components
  • Stories
  • and Categories
Docs are Markdown and MDX files in your Storybook directory. Docs can also be automatically generated from Storybook components that use the autodocs tag. [enable and disable the code]
export default {
component: Button,
tags: ['autodocs'],
Components correlate to story files on the file system — those with a .stories. extension prefix. They get their name from the exported metadata of the story file. [quickly change the title of one]
Categories are groupings of components. They too are controlled by the component title, using slashes as a delimiter.
export default {
title: "Example/Button"
title: "Components/Button"
component: Button,
tags: ['autodocs'],
We can add levels of heirarchy between categories and components. These additional are called Folders. And can go as deeply as needed.
export default {
title: "Components/Button"
title: "Components/Atoms/Button"
component: Button,
tags: ['autodocs'],
The title property is not required. Provided that component is defined (which it is, here), we can remove it and Storybook infers the structure from the filesystem.
export default {
title: "Components/Atoms/Button"
component: Button,
tags: ['autodocs'],

Using the autotitle is my preferred approach.


A Story is a rendered component with fixed data (or props). Our button component has four stories, each with a different set of args applied.

[Show these states using Controls panel]

  • Primary, with the primary prop set to true
  • Secondary, using only default prop
  • Large, and Small

Now we have a strong grasp of the Storybook sidebar, with its:

  • Docs (and autodocs)
  • Categories (and folders)
  • Components
  • and Stories (unique, fixed states of a component)