Explore Component Interfaces with Storybook Controls

In Storybook, we can interactively explore and stress-test components with Storybook Controls.

  • Open a Button sample story.
  • Click the Shortcuts cog to ensure that the Addons Panel is visible.
  • Finally, focus the Controls Addon.

Storybook provides a UI control for every component arg. We can use these to explore different outcomes.

  • Change the boolean primary arg with this toggle control.
  • Change the string label arg with this text input control.
  • We can even change background-color arg with a color picker control.

[screen: visually track this section]

Storybook automatically generates Controls for stories that use the CSF3 object syntax. In this format, args are defined on a story are applied to the component defined in component meta.

Unlike rendering a component and passing props directly to it, args involve Storybook — giving us Controls for free.

With controls, more teammates can become part of the component development and QA process — building more robust components together.