Brand Your Storybook with a Custom Logo

Let’s make Storybook a project logo. We’ll start by putting all the pieces in place.

  • In the .stoyrybook directory, create a new manager module.
    • Import addons from “@storybook/manager-api”
    • And create from “@storybook/theming”
import {addons} from '@storybook/manager-api'
import {create} from '@storybook/theming'

Add an image to the /public directory. (Storybook 7 serves this directory by default.)

Now we’re ready to set up a custom theme.

Set persistant light or dark color scheme

Create a new config object using addons.setConfig.

Use the create function to provide the theme property.

import {addons} from '@storybook/manager-api'
import {themes} from '@storybook/theming'
theme: create({
base: 'light', // in SB7 must be only light or dark

Now add brandTitle, brandUrl, brandImage, and optional brandTarget to flesh out the custom logo and where it links.

theme: create({
base: "light"
brandTitle: "My custom Storybook",
brandUrl: "",
brandImage: "/chan-dev.png", // using publicly served /public directory
brandTarget: '_self',

Restart to see changes.

This is looknig more like yours already!