Dump your dependencies

Homebrew has command that will export a manifest of brew-installed packages.

Terminal window
brew bundle dump

The result is a Brewfile that looks like this:

tap "buo/cask-upgrade"
tap "candid82/brew"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/services"
brew "mas"
brew "neovim"
brew "node"
brew "node@20"
cask "font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font"
cask "visual-studio-code"
vscode "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
vscode "supermaven.supermaven"

The Brewfile is created in the directory where you run the command.
But you can specify both file name and path with the --file="~/some/path/my-brewfile" option.

Terminal window
brew bundle dump --file="~/some/path/my-brewfile""

Note that brew bundle commansd assume the file name Brewfile. So customizing the file name will required that all commands include the --file option, indifferent to file system location.

You now have a manifest of installed software on your system.