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z in Vim

z is one of Vim’s two junk drawers. (The other is g).

This is a highlight of z command with callouts to actions available in VS Code, via VSCodeVim.



za za open a closed fold, close an open fold
zA zA open a closed fold or close an open
fold recursively
zc zc close a fold
zC zC close folds recursively
zd zd delete a fold
zD zD delete folds recursively
zE zE eliminate all folds
zf zf{motion} create a fold for Nmove text
zF zF create a fold for N lines
zi zi toggle 'foldenable'
zj zj 1 move to the start of the next fold
zk zk 1 move to the end of the previous fold
zm zm subtract one from 'foldlevel'
zM zM set 'foldlevel' to zero
zn zn reset 'foldenable'
zN zN set 'foldenable'
zo zo open fold
zO zO open folds recursively
zr zr add one to 'foldlevel'
zR zR set 'foldlevel' to the deepest fold
zv zv open enough folds to view the
cursor line
zx zx re-apply 'foldlevel' and do "zv"
zX zX re-apply 'foldlevel'


zN<CR> z{height}<CR> redraw, make window {height} lines high
z<CR> z<CR> redraw, cursor line to top of
window, cursor on first non-blank
zt zt redraw, cursor line at top of window
z- z- redraw, cursor line at bottom of
window, cursor on first non-blank
zb zb redraw, cursor line at bottom of
z. z. redraw, cursor line to center of
window, cursor on first non-blank
zz zz redraw, cursor line at center of

Saving and Quitting

ZZ ZZ write if buffer changed and close
ZQ ZQ close window without writing

:help z reference

2.5 Commands starting with 'z' z
tag char note action in Normal mode
z<CR> z<CR> redraw, cursor line to top of
window, cursor on first non-blank
zN<CR> z{height}<CR> redraw, make window {height} lines
z+ z+ cursor on line N (default line
below window), otherwise like "z<CR>"
z- z- redraw, cursor line at bottom of
window, cursor on first non-blank
z. z. redraw, cursor line to center of
window, cursor on first non-blank
z= z= give spelling suggestions
zA zA open a closed fold or close an open
fold recursively
zC zC close folds recursively
zD zD delete folds recursively
zE zE eliminate all folds
zF zF create a fold for N lines
zG zG temporarily mark word as correctly
zH zH when 'wrap' off scroll half a
screenwidth to the right
zL zL when 'wrap' off scroll half a
screenwidth to the left
zM zM set 'foldlevel' to zero
zN zN set 'foldenable'
zO zO open folds recursively
zR zR set 'foldlevel' to the deepest fold
zW zW temporarily mark word as
incorrectly spelled
zX zX re-apply 'foldlevel'
z^ z^ cursor on line N (default line
above window), otherwise like "z-"
za za open a closed fold, close an open
zb zb redraw, cursor line at bottom of
zc zc close a fold
zd zd delete a fold
ze ze when 'wrap' off scroll horizontally
to position the cursor at the end
(right side) of the screen
zf zf{motion} create a fold for Nmove text
zg zg permanently mark word as correctly
zh zh when 'wrap' off scroll screen N
characters to the right
zi zi toggle 'foldenable'
zj zj 1 move to the start of the next fold
zk zk 1 move to the end of the previous fold
zl zl when 'wrap' off scroll screen N
characters to the left
zm zm subtract one from 'foldlevel'
zn zn reset 'foldenable'
zo zo open fold
zp zp paste in block-mode without
trailing spaces
zP zP paste in block-mode without
trailing spaces
zr zr add one to 'foldlevel'
zs zs when 'wrap' off scroll horizontally
to position the cursor at the start
(left side) of the screen
zt zt redraw, cursor line at top of window
zuw zuw undo zw
zug zug undo zg
zuW zuW undo zW
zuG zuG undo zG
zv zv open enough folds to view the
cursor line
zw zw permanently mark word as
incorrectly spelled
zx zx re-apply 'foldlevel' and do "zv"
zy zy yank without trailing spaces
zz zz redraw, cursor line at center of window
z<Left> z<Left> same as "zh"
z<Right> z<Right> same as "zl"
2. Normal mode normal-index
ZZ ZZ write if buffer changed and close window
ZQ ZQ close window without writing


In proper vim, z also includes commands for spelling and word wrapping. These are ignored in this reference because they are not supported by VSCodeVim.