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Doc blocks for design system documentation

Illustration of a big machine made of shapes and letters illustrating a design system coming together.

If you document design systems, I’m about to save you a ton of time. Because Storybook comes with lesser-known components for organizing colors, typography, and icons.


Display color systems with the ColorPalette component.

Storybook component library showing sample color-system documentation

Import "@storybook/blocks". Then render a ColorPalette with a single ColorItem inside.

import { ColorPalette, ColorItem } from "@storybook/blocks"
<ColorItem />

Create an object with a key and color value. And pass it to the ColorItem component via the color prop.

Both key and value are displayed in the UI.

<ColorItem colors={{ Apple: "#66bf3c" }} />

Describe ColorItems with title and subtitle props.

subtitle="A delicious brand color."
colors={{ Apple: "#66bf3c" }}

Add as many colors to the colors prop as needed.

subtitle="A delicious brand color."
Apple: "#66bf3c",
AppleDark: "#46991f",
AppleLight: "#83da5a"

Use any CSS-supported color value.
ColorItem adds gray cross-hatches to indicate translucency — where color functions with non-1 alpha values are used.

subtitle="A delicious brand color."
Apple: "rgba(102,191,60,1)",
Apple60: "rgba(102,191,60,.6)",
Apple30: "rgba(102,191,60,.3)",

See full ColorPalette API reference.


Display typography systems with the Typeset component.

Storybook component library showing sample typography documentation

Import the Typeset component from @storybook/blocks.

import { Typeset } from "@storybook/blocks";
<Typeset {/* required props */} />

Typeset requires four props to render: fontSizes, fontWeight, sampleText, and fontFamily.

fontSizes and fontWeight support any supported CSS value (and numbers).

fontSizes={["2.875em", "2em", "1.375em", "1em"]}
sampleText="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
fontFamily='"Nunito Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif'

Create a new Typeset block for every discrete typographical subset.

## Code
sampleText="let var = 'const';"
Menlo, Monaco,
"Cascadia Mono", "Segoe UI Mono",
"Roboto Mono",
"Oxygen Mono",
"Ubuntu Monospace",
"Source Code Pro",
"Fira Mono",
"Droid Sans Mono",
"Courier New", monospace;'

See full Typeset API reference.


Display icons with the IconGallery component.

Storybook component library showing sample typography documentation

Import "@storybook/blocks". Then render a IconGallery with a single IconItem inside it.

import { IconGallery, IconItem } from "@storybook/blocks"

Place an icon inside IconItem. Then display that icon’s name with the name prop.

import * as Icons from "@storybook/icons";
<IconItem name="Accessibility">
<Icons.Accessibility />

Take this further — in React — by dynamically generating all available icons.

## Storybook icons
.filter(([name]) => name !== 'iconList')
.map(([name, Icon]) => (
<IconItem name={name}>
<Icon />

See full IconGallery API reference.

Learn more…

Find in-depth references for each component on the Storybook docs page and Chromatic YouTube channel.