/ OS

Video Editing

Project setup

Titles + transforms
B-rollA-roll supporting video
Overlay a-rollBumpers, stingers, etc — space-taking interactions
A-rollContent structure


Name suffixCompressionPurpose
- sourceh.265Raw recording
- cleanh.265A-roll only cut, no transforms
- uploadh.265Final result to YouTube

Screen setup


Punch in

Punching in helps folks no what not to worry about (or what could be imortant).

Ensure that you’ll be punched into that area for a reasonal ammount of time. It’s irritating to drop in, just to drop back out 2 seconds later. Before punching in determine the out point.

Punching in works best when activity starts. This could be:

  • moving the cursor into position
  • moving the mouse into position
  • me shifting what i’m looking at from camera to Screen

When doing this with motion, think of the section you’re punching into as an area boundary. Punch in, just in time, to see that area come into focus — or mouse move into.


Panning really never looks good. Commit to zooming/punching in and out.