lessons/ epicreact

Project READMEs and Prerequisites

setting: green screen

As you begin a new workshop, clone the corresponding repo for that workshop.

This is linked in the workshop. Here we are on the React Fundamentals workshop. And we can find that link right here.

Like the repo to help others find it.

First thing you’ll find in each section is Prerequisites. The resources linked here cover any assumed knowledge in this workshop.

Thousands of people have gone thru this material. And this articles answer questions that they had when going thru the material — questions that were more generic web development and not covered in the scope of this course.

Two things that are generally assumed across the board are basic git, JavaScript and Chrome dev tools experience. You’ll be able to watch me every step of the way and I won’t skip steps. So you’ll pick up some new tricks but a basic understanding will be very helpful to you.

(React Dev Tools)

Specifically, we’ll use the Chrome Dev Tools in this course with the addition of the React Dev Tools.

You need to have git, NodeJS and npm installed. And these are the versions that we’re using. You can find those versions by running these commands in your terminal.

This setup script is the same for all of the projects:

  • clone