lessons/ epicreact

React Fundamentals Welcome

  • Change the element from div#root to p#greeting
  • To create a div DOM node with the text “Hello World” and insert that DOM node into the document.
  • (In our HTML document,) add a <body> tag with a <div> inside of it.
  • Add the id "root".
  • We can test at this stage by adding some text.
  • (Below this <div>,) add a <script> tag that is type="module".
    • (Note that everything in this tag is JavaScript)
  • (In our <script>,)
    • Create a div element.
    • Assign it’s reference to the variable element
    • (Use that reference to) set textContent.
    • (To make sure we got this far, we can alert(element.textContent))
    • Perfect.
    • Now set the element’s className to container
  • (With our new "Hellow World" Let’s append our new "Hello World" element to our "root" div and append our Hello World element to it.
    • Query the dom for the div#root
    • Store a reference to that element in the varible element.
    • Use that reference to append the “Hello World” div element
<div id="root"></div>
<script type="module">
const element = document.createElement('div')
element.textContent = 'Hello World'
element.className = 'container'
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
  • Let’s step back and look at what we’ve done.
  • We have an HTML Document which we added 3 tags to: body, div, and script.
  • We have our div an id root so we could easily access it via JavaScript — later.
  • In our script we used DOM APIs to:
    • Create an element
    • We assigned text and a className to it
    • And append it to our div#root element
  • You can learn a lot more about the browser’s DOM APIs at MDN, a great resource for all web and JavaScript knowledge

Extra Credit

  • To create the root element in the script section,
  • Delete the <div id="root"> HTML tag
  • (Because div#root no longer exists,) Change the rootElement from getElementById("root") to document.createElement("div")
  • Use the setAttribute method to set id to root.
  • The append stays the same.
  • Be sure to remember that createElement, getElementById, setAttribute, and append are all part of the browser’s DOM API. The best place to learn more about browser DOM APIs on MDN.
<script type="module">
const element = document.createElement("div");
element.textContent = "Hello World";
element.className = "container";
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
const rootElement = document.createElement('div')
rootElement.setAttribute('id', 'root')

Ideas from

    1. Raw React & JSX
    • Recommended VS Code / DevTools Extensions
      • Tools and how to use them
      • Keyboard shortcuts & scripts
    • How you organize your screens when developing
      • Editor, browser preview, terminal, etc.
    • Compare raw DOM manipulation vs. React
    • Comparing createRoot() and render()
    • JSX children strings vs. elements
    • Interpolation tricks
    • When to spread props vs. pass individually
    • Naming conventions and when to use them
    • Philosophy of using props vs. composing children
    1. Styling & Forms
    • Common gotchas that affect performance
    • Assigning types to props with TypeScript
    • When to use fragments or not
    1. Rendering Arrays
    • Importance of the key prop when rendering lists
    • Resetting component stat by changing keys
    • Fixing “Uncontrolled input to controlled” error
      • Controlled input values managed by React state, Uncontrolled by DOM state
      • Show how error occurs when value changes from undefined
      • Explain how to decide when to use which
    1. useState and useEffect Hooks
    • Watch Local Storage for changes
    • To useMemo or not to useMemo?
      • Examples of when to use a different hook instead
    1. Tic-Tac-Toe part 1
    • Quick refactor a class component to hooks
    1. Tic-Tac-Toe part 2
    1. useRef and useEffect
    • Example of useRef
      • Tracking mount state or storing references to DOM elements
      • (Different example than vanilla-tilt)
    • Using useEffect for an HTTP Request
    • Handling an async callback
    1. Error Boundaries
    • What is an Error Boundary?
      • Include error reseting
    1. useReducer & useCallback
    • Comparing useLayoutEffect to useEffect / other hooks
    1. useReducer
    • Redux-style useReducer
    • Other uses for useReducer
    1. Context
    • Context & useContext vs. Redux style useReducer
    1. Advanced Context
    • What makes a component future proof?
    1. Flexible Compound Components
    • Handling error bubbling effectively