lessons/ epicreact

Use JSX effectively with React


  • Use variables with curly braces for dynamic variables
    • as attributes/props
    • and in children
const myClassNames = 'greeting'
const myChildren = ['Hello ', <em>React with JSX</em>]
const element = <div className={myClassNames}>{myChildren}</div>
  • children can be composed of variables and strings
const myClassNames = 'greeting'
const myChildren = <em>React with JSX</em>
const element = (
<div className={myClassNames}>Hello {myChildren}</div>
  • Unlike HTML, children can be passed as a prop
const myClassNames = 'greeting'
const myChildren = <em>React with JSX</em>
const element = (
children={['Hello ', myChildren]}
  • And there are no nested in an element, we can use self-closing tags
const myClassNames = 'greeting'
const myChildren = <em>React with JSX</em>
const element = (
children={['Hello ', myChildren]}
  • If we have an object full of props, we can use JSX Spread to pass them all a React element all at once
const myClassNames = 'greeting'
const myChildren = <em>React with JSX</em>
const props = {
className: myClassNames,
children: ['Hello ', myChildren],
const element = <div {...props} />
  • Values can still be applied before and after JSX spread.
    • When applied before, they will be applied first and merged with other props
const element = <div id="foo" {...props} />
  • But they will lose out to props that are spread
const props = {
id: 'bar',
className: myClassNames,
children: ['Hello ', myChildren],
const element = <div id="foo" {...props} />
  • However, anything applied after JSX spread will “win out”
    • So we can ensure that the foo id is applied by adding it after the spread
const props = {
id: 'bar',
className: myClassNames,
children: ['Hello ', myChildren],
const element = <div {...props} id="foo" />

GPT4 take

Create a User Interface with React’s JSX syntax

In this lesson, we’ll see how JSX transforms our development experience with React by allowing us to write our components in a syntax similar to HTML.


  1. Add the Babel script to your HTML to enable in-browser JSX processing.

    <!-- Include Babel to process JSX -->
  2. Modify the script type for your React component to be processed by Babel.

    <!-- This script will now be processed by Babel -->
    <script type="text/babel">
  3. Replace the React.createElement call with JSX syntax.

    <!-- JSX makes your component declaration much cleaner -->
    const element = <div className="greeting">Hello <em>React with JSX</em></div>;
  4. Refresh your browser to see the updated UI.

By following these steps, you’ve just leveled up your React game by integrating JSX into your project!

Note: This setup is ideal for learning and development. For production, ensure to precompile your JSX for performance and reliability.

Final Code:

<div id="root"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
import React from ''
import ReactDOM from ''
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
const element = (
<div className="greeting">
Hello <em>React with JSX</em>