/ posts

AuthKit Roles and Permissions

AuthKit now has permissions — completing the RBAC feature set.

This is everything you need to know to start implementing authorization in your applications.

Video tutorial



For this lesson, we’re using the latest next-authkit-example app.

GitHub repo: WorkOs/next-authkit-example

Sessions include permissions

Permissions are available on AuthKit session object.

Opening the next-authkit-example, we see that permissions is an array of strings. And that the property is parallel to the user and role properties.

src/app/account/page.tsx file. permissions are destructured from the user session.

Running the app, we can sign in to see a few session details but no permissions.

next-authkit-exapmle app, logged in, showing session user and role details but no permissions.

This property is empty, when no permissions are assigned. So, let’s add couple permissions in the WorkOS Dashboard.

Add permissions is the WorkOS Dashboard

WorkOS create permissions form. Example shows a post permission.

Navigate to the Roles tab (in the WorkOS Dashboard).

Create a new permission with:

  • Name: A colloquial name.
  • Slug: The value that will be stored on the session and used for authorization.
  • Description: An optional field for additional permission details and instructions.

I’ll add two permissions:

  • posts:read
  • posts:all

The firt for read-only and the second for full CRUD.

Note that the slugs can’t be changed after creation.

WorkOS edit permissions form, showing that permission slug is not editable.

Assign permissions to roles

Permissions cannot be directly assigned to users.
They’re applied to users thru roles.

By default, every user in AuthKit gets a Member role. Let’s update the Member role to include compose the posts:read permission.

Back in our app, let’s sign out and back in again to see the updated permissions.

Permissions shown in next-authkit-example app account page.

Note: We’re logging out to force a fresh session. The access token duration setting dictates the rate at which a session is refreshed. This is set in Authentication > Sessions).

Permissions will refresh based on your Access token duration time (set in Authentication > Sessions).

Assign a new role to a user

Back in our WorkOS dashboard, let’s create an Admin role, and assign the posts:all permission to it.

Create Admin Role with posts permissions.

Then change our user’s role from Member to Admin.

Change user role from Member to Admin.

Log out and back in again to force a session refresh.
And see both the new role and permissions!

next-auth-example app, logged in, showing details with Admin role and posts permissions.

A couple things to note

  • You need to upgrade to the latest version of the WorkOS SDK for the update User type.
  • Our doc on Roles and Permissions includes a number of best practices for your projects. Including suggestions for role assignment for SCIM integrations.